The Tecoma Sparky is a hybrid plant that was created in 2012 by professors at Arizona State University. It is a variation of the Tecoma plant that is mainly a yellow flower with a red-orange center. This plant was even named after the Arizona State Mascot also known as “Sparky”.
Wintering Boston Ferns – How To Take Care During Winter
The Boston fern(Nephrolepis exaltata) is a very common and popular variety of fern which originated in humid swamps and forests. They can be found in its natural state in the south eastern United States as well as in Mexico, South America, and Africa. Wintering boston ferns are needed in these environments where winters can be harsh. Read on to learn about techniques take care of ferns during the winter months.
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Forget-Me-Not Flowers
Forget-me-not flowers are wild flowers are known under many different names such as scorpion grasses and ‘mouse ears’. If you’ve been looking to incorporate tiny flowers in garden that pack a punch, look no further than forget-me-nots.
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Plumeria Care: How to grow Plumeria EASY
Have you ever wondered how to grow plumeria flowers or interested in learning how to grow your own at home? In this article ill give you an in-depth guide on my favourite tropical flower, plumeria!